Tool Bar
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Basic table for organize data

Material Quantity Unit price
Acrylic (Transparent) 25 $2.90
Plywood (Birch) 50 $1.25
Laminate (Gold on Blue) 10 $2.35

<table class="table eq-ui-data-table z-depth-1">
        <th class="eq-ui-data-table-cell-non-numeric">Material</th>
        <th>Unit price</th>

        <td class="eq-ui-data-table-cell-non-numeric eq-ui-data-table-cell-truncate">Acrylic (Transparent)</td>
        <td class="eq-ui-data-table-cell-non-numeric eq-ui-data-table-cell-truncate">Plywood (Birch)</td>
        <td class="eq-ui-data-table-cell-non-numeric eq-ui-data-table-cell-truncate">Laminate (Gold on Blue)</td>

Sortable Table

Sortable Table by clicking on column head

Materialsort Quantity Unit pricesort
Acrylic (Transparent) 25 $2.90
Plywood (Birch) 50 $1.25
Laminate (Gold on Blue) 10 $2.35
Red (Velvet) 15 $3.46
Pink (Rose) 44 $6.31

    <table class="table eq-ui-data-table z-depth-1 eq-ui-table-sort">
            <th class="eq-ui-data-table-cell-non-numeric eq-ui-data-table-sort-column">Material<i class="material-icons">sort</i></th>
            <th class="">Quantity</th>
            <th class="eq-ui-data-table-sort-column">Unit price<i class="material-icons">sort</i></th>
            <td class="eq-ui-data-table-cell-non-numeric eq-ui-data-table-cell-truncate">Acrylic (Transparent)</td>
            <td class="eq-ui-data-table-cell-non-numeric eq-ui-data-table-cell-truncate">Plywood (Birch)</td>
            <td class="eq-ui-data-table-cell-non-numeric eq-ui-data-table-cell-truncate">Laminate (Gold on Blue)</td>

With Checkbox

For checkbox table mode. We have than add eq-ui-data-table-js eq-ui-with-checkbox

Material Quantity Unit price
Acrylic (Transparent) 25 $2.90
Plywood (Birch) 50 $1.25
Laminate (Gold on Blue) 10 $2.35

<table class="table eq-ui-data-table eq-ui-with-checkbox z-depth-1">
            <input type="checkbox" class="eq-ui-input filled-in" id="checkbox-all" />
            <label for="checkbox-all"></label>
        <th class="eq-ui-data-table-cell-non-numeric">Material</th>
        <th>Unit price</th>

            <input type="checkbox" class="eq-ui-input filled-in" id="checkbox-1" />
            <label for="checkbox-1"></label>
        <td class="eq-ui-data-table-cell-non-numeric eq-ui-data-table-cell-truncate">Acrylic (Transparent)</td>
            <input type="checkbox" class="eq-ui-input filled-in" id="checkbox-2" />
            <label for="checkbox-2"></label>
        <td class="eq-ui-data-table-cell-non-numeric eq-ui-data-table-cell-truncate">Plywood (Birch)</td>
            <input type="checkbox" class="eq-ui-input filled-in" id="checkbox-3" />
            <label for="checkbox-3"></label>
        <td class="eq-ui-data-table-cell-non-numeric eq-ui-data-table-cell-truncate">Laminate (Gold on Blue)</td>


For striped table mode. We have than add .eq-ui-striped

Material Quantity Unit price
Acrylic (Transparent) 25 $2.90
Plywood (Birch) 50 $1.25
Laminate (Gold on Blue) 10 $2.35

<table class="table eq-ui-data-table eq-ui-striped z-depth-1">


For hoverable table mode. We have than add .eq-ui-hoverable

Material Quantity Unit price
Acrylic (Transparent) 25 $2.90
Plywood (Birch) 50 $1.25
Laminate (Gold on Blue) 10 $2.35

<table class="table eq-ui-data-table eq-ui-hoverable z-depth-1">


For centered table mode. We have than add .eq-ui-centered

Material Quantity Unit price
Acrylic (Transparent) 25 $2.90
Plywood (Birch) 50 $1.25
Laminate (Gold on Blue) 10 $2.35

<table class="table eq-ui-data-table eq-ui-centered z-depth-1">

Header Fixed

For fixed header mode. We have than add .eq-ui-header-fixed

Material Quantity Unit price
Acrylic (Transparent) 25 $2.90
Plywood (Birch) 50 $1.25
Laminate (Gold on Blue) 10 $2.35
Acrylic (Transparent) 25 $2.90
Plywood (Birch) 50 $1.25
Laminate (Gold on Blue) 10 $2.35

<table class="table eq-ui-data-table eq-ui-header-fixed z-depth-1">

Lazy Load

For Lazy Load mode. We have than add .eq-ui-data-table-lazy-load

ID Model Quantity Unit price

Example of implementation (HTML):

<table id="table-lazy-load-sample1" class="table eq-ui-data-table eq-ui-data-table-lazy-load z-depth-1">
    <th class="eq-ui-data-table-cell-non-numeric table-fixed-col-100 eq-ui-hidden-xs">ID</th>
    <th class="eq-ui-data-table-cell-non-numeric">Model</th>
    <th>Unit price</th>
<tbody style="height: 480px;">
    <td class="eq-ui-data-table-cell-non-numeric" style="text-align: center;" >Loading...</td>

Example of implementation (JS):

var fakeJsonData = "";
var fakeDataTable = [];
var EqUILazyLoad_Sample1 = null;
var EqUILazyLoad_Sample1_Scroll_Content_ID = $('#table-lazy-load-sample1 tbody')[0];

// Load json data
$.getJSON( fakeJsonData, {
    _page: 1,
    _limit: 300000
.done(function( data ) {

    // Transform data
    $.each( data, function( i, item ) {
        '<tr>\n' +
        '<td class="eq-ui-data-table-cell-non-numeric table-fixed-col-100 eq-ui-hidden-xs">'+(i+1)+'</td>\n' +
        '<td class="eq-ui-data-table-cell-non-numeric"><span class="truncate">'+item.model+'</span></td>\n' +
        '<td>'+item.quantity+'</td>\n' +
        '<td>'+item.price+'</td>\n' +

    // Run Lazy Load
    if(EqUILazyLoad_Sample1 === null){
        EqUILazyLoad_Sample1 = new EqUILazyLoad({
            rows: fakeDataTable,
            scrollId: EqUILazyLoad_Sample1_Scroll_Content_ID,
            contentId: EqUILazyLoad_Sample1_Scroll_Content_ID,
            callbacks: {
                clusterWillChange: function(){
                    console.log('[Table -> Lazy load] clusterWillChange');
                clusterChanged: function(){
                    console.log('[Table -> Lazy load] clusterChanged');
                scrollingProgress: function(progress){
                    // console.log('[Table -> Lazy load] scrollingProgress', progress);